PowerPoint Without the Hassle
Thank you to Ann Michael who sent me the tip on this new little beauty. The Boston Globe called it YouTube for PowerPoint. Take a look here.
Great Find: SlideShare
Permalink: http://slideshare.net/
Target Audience: Anyone who gives presentations
Content: What do you get when you cross the sociability of YouTube with the slide function of PowerPoint and then mix in a large dose of individuality? They’re calling it SlideShare, and it’s pretty exciting. You can build and upload your own slide shows OR you can go there to watch shows that other folks made.
SlideShare lets you upload PowerPoint or Open Office presentation files. Then you can share them through a online interface much like YouTube. The joy is that now PowerPoint documents can be stored on the Internet. No sending, copying, or moving them to a new machine. You can even embed them in your blog. People are already finding creative ways to make use of this new mashup. Here’s what they say at their main site.
How people are using SlideShare?
- Teachers are uploading their own slideshows and also asking students to upload their assignments to SlideShare so that parents can see their work.
- Conference organizers are uploading presentations from their conferences.
- People are uploading photo slideshows to memorialize a wedding or other special event.
If you are bored, check out the humour on SlideShare. There’s tons of it there!
It’s so easy; it seems everyone is using it. I’ve embedded on here.
There are many beautiful ones at the site that the type more effectively. I chose this because it shows how things still look when not perfectly designed. (I’m sure you’ll use type more effectively.)
To learn more about SlideShare and to see many more shows go the main site or visit their blog.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Great Find: Library Thing
Great Find: Gotoit Media Portal for Videophiles
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